The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 76: Update LXVIII - Misery

Update LXVIII - Misery

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

With Gawain's defenses taken care of, the floor is now 100% free to explore.

And that means we can get the final Trigger!

We did it, we're finally done with them! :toot:

Let's get m— I mean, let's kick that little boy's royal behind!

I take a moment to get some scenery shots.

The more distant seas have some fish swimming around in them, but they're hard to see.

Last time, I left a spot unexplored to go face Leo.

It holds three Phalanx and two Claustrophobias, guarding two chests and a healing fountain.

The top chest has Taiga's final item.

While the other has an Elixir.

Tamamo gains another level while taking unreasonable levels of punishment.

And we leave.

Music: School III

That's every floor fully cleared out! :toot:

Music: Down to Dawn

Rani is waiting for me in her spot by the window. Her golden skin is radiant in the sun. Yesterday we struck a strong blow against Gawain, so it's possible to be positive about the finals. Tomorrow is the seventh and final Elimination Battle. I never thought I'd be standing on equal ground with Leo and Gawain, but thanks to Rani, it's a reality. Those words of thanks are on my mind as I look at Rani—

She looks so perplexed as she asks. I can't help thinking how cute she is when she gets flustered, and I smile. Rani smiles back.

I spent time wondering if Leo's philosophy had merit, but in the end I realized that his way of thinking is wrong. I realized after fighting him that as strong as Leo is, he's missing something critical. That's why I know I can win.

It's a relief to hear that.

Rani smiles. Seeing that smile reinvigorates me to win and return to her, no matter what.

Music: School II

Did you get the cipher keys? And you wouldn't dream of forgetting an Alteration of the Soul, right?

Hearing familiar words from my Servant calms me. I'd really like to save myself the embarrassment of losing by default in the finals. Just in case, I should check the cipher key display on my terminal. Also, I need to finish all my other preparations today. Visiting the commissary, performing an Alteration of the Soul, training in the Arena—it's all necessary. I should do everything I need to. I can't be too careful, either.

Music: Down to Dawn

So after all of that, five full days of letting Tamamo get her ass kicked in each and every fight, I've hit 100K damage.

You don't understand the torture I endure, do you? I've been stabbed, burned, poisoned, name it. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you have no idea what I'm talking about. What do think my beautiful skin is made out of? Just that topic alone is worthy of a century of discussion. But as I know you have no ill will, I thought I'd just stay quiet about it like the dignified woman I am. I am, however, getting seriously upset about the whole thing. If you keep allowing me to take so much damage, I'm going to just assume you're in to this sort of thing. So, please try to be more careful.

I'm 1/3 of the way there! :shepicide:

Music: School II

Rani and Leo are out by the library.

On the now sparsely populated campus, it's easy to identify one of the voices as Rani's. And the other voice can only belong to Leo.

She's growing up so fast... :unsmith:

I see. Pardon my rudeness. I should've expected nothing less of Atlas's finest creation. To make a being that is almost, but not quite, human is an impressive and admirable feat.

As per the rules, the Holy Grail goes to the last person standing. But the real question here doesn't concern my life, but yours, does it not? If you fall, the Harways will lose their successor and their grip on the world will loosen.

It's not bravado, or a lie. Leo believes he's speaking the truth. And it is definitely not in blind faith. He has judged himself, and doesn't find himself lacking.

Also, your possession of the Grail would lead to catastrophe. That is why you must stand down.

Catastrophe, you say. Rani, while I do understand your point of view, I must disagree— ...No. You look tired. Now is not the time for an extended conversation, I'm afraid. With that said, I bid you a good day.

I notice as he leaves that his smile never once slipped. If I was still the same person as I was before, his words would've badly shaken me. But everything is different now. Now, I have a purpose, a reason to fight for the Holy Grail. That is why my path diverges from Leo's. But only the Holy Grail knows which the correct one is.

Find out for yourself after you win the final Elimination battle and stand before the Holy Grail.

You already have the knowledge and fortitude to forge your own path.

Awwww, she has nothing to say about Rani hacking the Arena.

Be sure that you do everything in your power to prepare before your final confrontation.

Kishinami. Please win and come back to me. I'll be waiting.

Yes, this is my Preciousss! Take this plushie in return! No, I insist that you have it.


I must thank you for helping me with all of my requests. All that's left is the final battle.

The final bit of decoration for the private room?

A stuffed animal based on her Tiger Stamps from Stay Night's Bad Ends.

Of course it is, what else could it be?

Things have gotten a lot cozier since Week 1, wouldn't you say?

Tomorrow will be the last day you'll be able to buy items, so be sure to stock up then.

I finally buy out the last shop Mystic Codes, giving me a full set.

Boost Magic a bit more.

And, in a twist, I go back to the first floor. Enemies here give less XP, making it take longer to gain a level while Tamamo gets bullied.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

I spent ages running around, and then I got tired of it, so I did the reasonable thing:

I turned on cheat codes. :v:

And let Tamamo get utterly eviscerated for like 10 minutes straight.

I then turned off infinite HP, but it already set my max HP/MP to the cap.

Thankfully, gaining a level fixed it.

...At the cost of getting really confused about my current HP/MP. :v:

So ends my final Arena trip.

Music: School III

So much happened! I'll treasure the memories always. But, I'm sad that I won't be able to make new memories with you after tomorrow... —Oops! Getting all teary-eyed isn't like Tamamo at all! I shouldn't be crying! I'm your companion, your beautiful wife who will always, always try her best.

Music: None

Ah, yes. There was a certain young Master who entered this tournament and has grown significantly. At first, this Master appeared to be a sacrificial lamb, but instead fought on those wobbly legs. —I may be an agent of the system, but your fight rouses my interest. Is your case a happy accident? Or a genuine miracle in hundreds, thousands of years of Masters. ...How perverse for this AI to be based on a clergyman.

I'll wait on the first floor.

Finished, Father Kotomine departs. The Elimination Battle is here. I'm about to face my strongest opponent yet. I'll make some final preparations. That means getting outfitted at the commissary and sorting out information in my room.

Music: Down to Dawn

Got it at the very last second.

Seriously, in all of my eons of existence I have never seen a Master who hated their Servant this much! It must be a gift beyond human ken. You must be a god of some kind! Take it from your favorite victim!

Her praise is starting to get embarrassing, but I'm glad she's so happy. Maybe my slacking in battle is starting to pay dividends. Let me rephrase that. I meant to say my dedication to battle, no matter how weak the enemy, has paid off. That, and I wanted to hear Caster's cute little yelp. She IS a fox, after all.

So you've done all of this to me on purpose?!

That's a baseless accusation. I swear that I wasn't letting her get hit...repeatedly...on purpose. I was just curious as to how much abuse she was willing to take before she started whining about it.

That's exactly what the phrase "on purpose" means!


Me, go straight to hell? Oh well, that's all right then. I'm sure Tamamo would come to rescue me. Actually, in hell I'd be able to get closer to her than I am now.

D-Don't you go thinking that I'll fall for that! When it comes to teasing their Servant, Master, you have no peer! So, to reward your "efforts" allow me to give you this. As a result of being repeatedly slashed by countless enemies, the tip of my tail has been cut off. I'd be absolutely ecstatic if you would carry it with you as a good luck charm.

Unlike the Nine Tails, the Mythical Fox Tail is a Mystic Code! What does it do?

It gives, hands down, the biggest MP boost in the entire game, but not having a Code Cast tied to it means it turns Hakuno into a one trick pony.

Thankfully, I have a very, very good trick.

I also got the final chat requirement, this one needing 500K money.

You're the wealthiest Master here! Your obsessive dedication to scavenging and saving has paid off!

...I have mixed feeling about all of this. As of now, not only are you rich, but you're a winner as well. Considering how this world is now, I wouldn't be surprised if you're the most desirable person around. In fact, I'm a little worried that the evil harpies still loitering around will try to hit on you.

Well, should that happen, I'll just crush them like the cockroaches they are.

This is the start of another running gag with Tamamo. Kiyohime herself would debut in Grand Order.

Okay, now for Gawain's info.

Before the Elimination Battle begins, I should go through all of the information I've accumulated. First off, the name of Leo's Servant— I'd better make sure I have his name right before I do anything else.


No, that can't be right. If that was his true name, then things would definitely be much, much, worse. ...All right, just calm down. What did Leo call his Servant again?


The Servant in burnished white armor, his name was given as Gawain. A knight of great loyalty linked to the legend of the Round Table who guards Leo with tireless vigilance. I remember the first time we crossed swords in the Arena. As per his story, his strength is legendary. Wielding a sword that shines like the sun, he barred my way with unshakeable resolve. The name of his sword is—

Sword of Absolute Victory.

No, that was the sister-sword to the one Gawain wields. Let me think about it a little longer. What was the name of Gawain's sword?

The Resurrected Sword of Victory.

Right. Also called Galatine, it is the sister-sword of Excalibur and a weapon of great power when used by Gawain. At first, there was no way I could meet the stroke of the sword infused with the sun's heat. Now, the attribute that made Gawain one of the mightiest of knights was his unique constitution. When the sun was in the sky, all of his abilities were amplified to a significant degree. His Noble Phantasm alone makes him immensely powerful, but with this attribute he was almost invincible. What was the name of that ability-?

The Numeral of the Six.

-No, that's not it. That sounds way too mystical and makes it seem like he leaves everything to luck. Think. The ability that gives Gawain his unique constitution; what was it—?

The Numeral of the Saint.

Right, it was the "Numeral of the Saint." The ability that ties his powers to the sun at its most powerful when the clock strikes noon.

But by hacking the Arena and cutting off its light, I was not only able to wound him, but also cripple this ability of his to some degree. All that is to be done now is see how close Caster can get to Leo. I've made it all this way. Just one more... Just one more victory and then I can get my wish granted by the Holy Grail. The "answer" that I have sought throughout this fight—

Music: None

Character Background posted:

One of the major knights mentioned in the Arthurian legends and often thought to be King Arthur's nephew.

A knight said to be the equal of Sir Lancelot, Gawain was freguently at odds with Lancelot due to his slaying of both of Gawain's brothers. Although pure of heart and loyal beyond question, it was Gawain's all-consuming hatred that not only led to him being stripped of his knighthood, but also led to the downfall of King Arthur himself.

Gawain was fatally wounded at the battle of Camlann Hill after being struck in an old wound caused by Lancelot. As he laid dying, he realized that it was his own lack of virtue that lead to Sir Lancelot's betrayal and the defeat of his King.

Up until his death, Sir Gawain was considered a paragon of knighthood; chivalrous, loyal, and gallant. Even as King Arthur became a legend, Gawain was content to stay in the background, doing his duty regardless of whether his efforts were acknowledged or not. In reward for his gallantry and loyalty to Arthur, as well as his eventual forgiveness of Sir Lancelot, Gawain was resurrected as a Heroic Spirit and, freed from the sins of his past, has once again reclaimed his role as the "Knight of the Sun."

I cash in my very final level.

And prepare for regicide.

Next time: A very quick step back.